Your first step in becoming a notary is to complete a mandatory 6-hour training education course, you can sign up for a class here: Sign up for mandatory notary training class. Once you have completed this class you will be provided with a proof of completion certificate, please bring this with you to your state-required exam.
Now that you have passed your state required 6-hour notary training class you will need to compile the below list of items. These items will all need to be brought with you to your state exam.
Now that you have completed your paperwork along with completing your mandatory notary class you are ready to take the California State Exam. This exam is offered only by CPS Consulting and their scheduled can be found here: view state exam schedule. After you have passed the state exam all you will need to do is file your oath of office and surety bond with the Secretary-of-State and await your approval paperwork that you are a licensed Notary Public.
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